Report on established practices in EU countries for natural disaster risk management (NDRM)
In each country the development of risk management practices is correlating highly with the types of natural disasters occurring there. In this report overall statistics and relevant natural disasters are presented for each EU project partner (Austria, Hungary, Italy, Greece and the United Kingdom). Presented data sets have been the basis for establishing practices for natural disasters risk management in these countries.
The European Union decided to set up joint strategies on how to deal with natural disasters. This approach is justified, due to the fact that natural disasters often occur in large areas ignoring national borders and affecting many different states. These joint strategies are documented in EU-directives, which should be further implemented in national laws of the member states. The main aspects within these directives are the implementation of uniform standards, mutual learning based on national experiences and a rapid information transfer in case of emergency.
The risk management of natural disasters requires well-developed professionals with appropriate knowledge. It is the responsibility of national institutions including universities to educate the mentioned specialists. In a few European member states special master curricula dealing with natural disaster risk management have been established. Other member states in turn have included appropriate courses in existing master curricula. Lists of relevant master programmes are outlined for each EU project partner country. Further details on the master programmes are provided in an additional report specialized on master curricula.
More details can be found on the web page