Catalogue of competencies created

The risk management of natural disasters requires well-developed professionals with appropriate knowledge. It is the responsibility of national institutions including universities to educate the mentioned specialists. In a few European member states special master curricula dealing with natural disaster risk management (NDRM) have been established. Other member states in turn have included appropriate courses in existing master curricula. An overview of existing master´s degree programmes related to NDRM and a catalogue of competencies for graduation are outlined in the following report.

Requirements for employees dealing with natural disaster risk management are wide-ranging and demanding. Skills for an integral management of natural hazards (“manager”), a technical know-how for necessary construction measures (“technician”) as well as a fundamental knowledge about valid natural hazard legislation (“lawyer”) are main elements in the catalogue of competencies for well-developed employees. Furthermore soft skills including appropriate modes of behaviour during communications and presentations as well as experiences in project management are indispensable.

The expected employment opportunities include access to:
•    Public and private authorities in charge of natural disaster risk management (national, provincial, municipal)
•    Professional firms and consulting firms employing structural, civil or environmental engineers
•    Public or private research institutes applied to the study of the conditions of the environment and risk management (University, research centre, etc.).
•    Emergency services planning and managing crisis situations
•    International agencies (United Nations, European Union, non-governmental agencies, etc.)

More details can be found on the web page
